EMPWR Fit by Jess is designed for individual one on one sessions as well as group or team sessions.

Each individual will have the opportunity to get to know Jessica via Zoom and in turn she will get to know you!

Based off the information provided, the desired goals you have (individually and as a group), the structure of your particular pathway will be discussed. This includes the topics covered, how many sessions, the frequency of sessions, and extra resources.

Your journey is just beginning, and together we will achieve greatness.

One on One Sessions - 

Individual sessions or Packages of 3, 5 or 10

Personalized Programs based on goals, current barriers, environment, and motivation.

Group Sessions - 

Individual sessions or Packages of 3, 5 or 10

Personalized Group Programs based on team goals, team environment, individual roles and responsibilities as a team member, individual contributions to the collective.

Zoom Yoga
or HIIT-

Online yoga or HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) in the comfort of your own home! Individual or group sessions emphasizing hip mobility, deep breathing, deep stretching, and relaxation OR High Intensity Interval Training based on Equiptment available often using body weight, bands, chairs, dumbbells, emphasizing an elevated heart rate and targeting the full body and desired muscles groups.

*Each is designed specifically for you/the group and the goals.

Amongst the many benefits of both:

  • Yoga is important for maximal athletic performance as it enhances balance and coordination, concentration, stress management (on the mind and body), oxygen circulation, range of motion and injury prevention.

  • HIIT improves athletic performance, explosiveness, fast twitch muscle fibres, maximal aerobic capacity and endurance, as well as anaerobic power. HIIT has also proven to have benefits on mental performance and memory.


Get started

If are interested in one on one or group based sessions with Jessica please fill out the information below and Jessica will contact you!